In the beginning… there was… the basic human need to try to understand our origins – and first it was the spoken word, and then the written word, that would try to explain our origins.
The Rig Vedas in Sanskrit on Birch Bark, The Epic of Gilgamesh on clay tablets in Akkadian Cuneiform are dated by the UN to be the oldest written ones at 4,000 years.
We long lived with a world view where our human history was 6,000 years old, but today we see it constantly changing.
There was an old Ethiopian “Book of Enoch” about Noah’s origin and there are many views… here is one such view we have called…
“The Book of Tom” is the true Finnic World History 130,000 to 6,000 before present by professor Tom Wilen © 2024
May I start by saying the word “Suomi” means in the original Finnic-Sanskrit language “land”, and Karelia which is the oldest region and tribe known locally as “KARJALA” means in this early first language, “Dancing lights in the sky” referring to the Aurora Borealis.
This Suomi-Finland was once an island consisting of present-day Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula.
Back then water from present-day Barents Sea were connected to the Baltic sea through rivers and lakes now all situated on the Russian side of the border.
Pytheas of Massalia, a Greek Geographer and Explorer sailed, per his best-seller book “On the Ocean”, around this island and named it “Ultima Thule” some 2,250 years ago, where he bought walrus ivory tusks in the north, fur in the east, and amber in the south, and met there white skinned very friendly people.
They were very white as their pigmentation had changed from black for their skin to be able to absorb the important vitamin D we all need to live.
While black skin protected in Alkebulan – better known as Africa – against the sun’s ultraviolet harmful lights, and could still absorb vitamin D because the sun was very hot and close, in the Arctic with a winter darkness lasting 6 weeks with no sun, and a midnight sun lasting 12 weeks, but with very little heat as the sun was far away, the human skin had to change to absorb vitamin D.
The name Ultima Thule was coined by Pytheas as he considered the island the ultimate northern earth location based on the North Star, and where his sun god went to sleep for 6 long weeks, as he then believed.
Like the Irminger extension current of the warm Gulf Stream today keeps Greenland partially habitable, back then such an extension current around Ultima Thule kept it also partially habitable.
This island technically still exists as a canal built by Russia connects through lakes and rivers the Barents Sea to the Baltic sea but back in his days no canal was needed and present-day Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Kola Peninsula made up this island.
The Finnic roots are however much, much older.
A DNA study published in Nature Magazine in 2017 surprised everybody as the Finnic people (Finnic is an academic term that was used by Professor Isaac Taylor and others still in 1903 for both the language and the people before anglicized to Finnish and Finns) found we Finnic were not Europeans at all but from a very long isolation totally our own species.
We had long known that Susiluola (Wolves Cave) in Suomi Finland was populated by Pre-Humans from 130,000 to 74,000 years ago.
(Pre-human is used as a term for all hominids including both Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens and others, whose biology had not yet evolved to speak and whose brains were far from ready to learn to speak yet.)
We know the Toba Volcano in Indonesia erupted 74,000 years ago spewing up ashes knee-deep contaminating the food and water supplies of all pre-humans worldwide killing 30,000 leaving only 10,000.
Ice age moraines in Finland have made it difficult to penetrate to do archaeological discoveries, but new Lidar Technology will soon be able to validate that most of these inhabitants in SUSILUOLA fled to the TARINI River on the Barents sea where Pechanga River is today.
This location was the only one with non contaminated water with eatable seafood containing omega-3 fatty acids to help the brains evolve after the Toba Volcano had caused the ice age 70,000 to 18,000.
These prehumans, based on a book by George Poulos, would have 70,000 years ago been able biologically to speak, but their brains evolved only between 70,000 to 18,000 giving our first human speech and language.
We have named this language Finnic-Sanskrit as Professor Sir William Jones some 270 years ago stated that both Sanskrit and Finnic came from post-glacial northernmost Europe as both Tarini and Barents Sea were considered to be Europe then.
Professor Bal Tilak of India 1903 proved in his book The Arctic Home in the Vedas that the first ten chapters of the holy Rig Veda originated orally from there and Professor Taylor 1903 validated how these virtuous pilgrims had migrated south 18,000 years ago to first present-day Suomi then to present-day Lithuania.
When one of 25,000 visiting academics from Bharat (India) fluent in Ancient Vedic Sanskrit visits Lithuania and speaks to common people at coffee shops, farms or gas stations, they are fully able to converse in this ancient Finnic-Sanskrit today – there known as Lithuanian.
We posit after migration by these pilgrims that are recalled today as kind in Lithuania that they continued to present-day Ukraine, Georgia, Iran and Tibet and became there the present-day Bon Yungdrung Monks on Mount Kailash by Sweetwater Lake Manasarovar.
The Bon history recalls them led by Tonpa Shenrab 18,000 years ago, and Lake Manasarovar as the source of the four rivers Sindhu, Ghaggar, Saraiswati and Arabii.
The first ten chapters of the Rig Veda were orally conveyed for 14,000 years and written down 4,000 years ago on birch bark and is the oldest written document of human history, and it already described the precession of equinoxes and distance to the moon and planets, and it implies intellect and knowledge, that only much later was discovered by European scientists.
We posit the migration to Tibet, where also Aurora lights are present and can be seen above Manasarovar lake, may have been the reason to travel as pilgrims this far.
The Himalayas were created some 55 million years ago and then tilted the planet and inside some magnetic ore flooded from the South Pole inside the earth also to there at Manasarovar.
This caused the precession of equinoxes and created the Milankovitch climate cycle, enabling the evolution of pre-humans with dark skin and hair protection, which later became black skin as hair protection no longer existed after they started walking up straight.
18,000 bp after the ice age
18,000 the Edinhu Island Paradise Civilization was created outside the outlets of four rivers sourced from Mount Kailash Sweetwater lake Manasarovar by Bharati people together in peaceful unison with Arian pilgrims bringing Finnic-Vedic Sanskrit from Arctic Tarini River that then evolved more south as well to Tamil. Arian in Sanskrit means virtuous and would have been like the Bon Monks today. Also Aethiopians from the two Nile Rivers were then part of this first civilization.
13,000 bp the climate flood and tsunamis resulting in earthquakes
We know this climate change today as the Antarctic Cold Reversal. It started 14,500 years ago when tectonic plates rubbing against each other caused seafloor volcanoes to emit heat under the Antarctic Glaciers like they are again in 2024.
13,000 the floods and tsunamis resulted all over the Americas and spread to Europe where England lost its Doggerland land connection to mainland Europe.
12,750 Lake Manasarovar ice buildup broke and the Gilgamesh or Biblical flood took place destroying Edinhu and putting the rivers underground.
On the other side, Yangtze and Yellow rivers from the Tibetan plateau were flooding and forced migration by many including Pech a’anga tribe 12,750 BP to Arctic Suomi where Tarini River was renamed Pecháa’anga and is today Pechanga or Petsamo, and where they reside as Sami people and also across Barents straight to America where they are living today in California as indigenous Pecháa’anga tribe.
In Alkebulan or then Aethiopia Adam & Eve were born first to speak a language of Amharic where the white and blue Nile rivers converged.
12,825 BP Enoch descendant in Zion Aethiopia was a prophet attracting listeners.
12,750 BP his descendant Noah/Manu resided at Edinhu and Amharic evolved into Amaraic and the flood would take Noah to Ararat in Turkey and not far from wine-growing Georgia with Japheth and Aramaic would be evolving to Hebrew.
12,750 BP to 11,600 BP is a gap in Bharat history of rulers as the Antarctic Cold Reversal climate change flooded the Edinhu paradise and Manu/Noah was born white to a black father from Zion and a white mother from Arian pilgrim woman at Edinhu.
Edinhu and rivers sank underground in earthquakes and Sahara and Arabia (named after Arabii) was flooded, Ham and Shem would initiate Cush Kingdom and Sanaa where Aramaic became Arabic.
Language advantage and fertile land would create rulership of all of north Alkebulan from Benin to Georgia and south to Tanzania for 5,000 years until the Sahara turning again to desert and Babylon, Egypt and Persia known histories evolved.
In 4,000 BP the Abrahamic religions and written language would evolve and zero taken into use in counting.
While Sanskrit, Tamil, Amharic, Amaraic and Hebrew all created written languages the Greek who also evolved in Aethiopia had an alphabet with both consonants and vowels which was superior and Alkebulan was renamed Africa – burnt face – Aethiopian ocean became after Atlas Deity Atlantic Ocean and Edinhu became Atlantis.
Saraiswati River was found by TIFR satellite in 2012 underground and 2001 Greek DNA was Aethiopian origin.
Values, Philosophies and Religions
In Finnic-Sanskrit Suomi means land and Karjala means dancing lights in the sky with a reference to Aurora Borealis lights.
Cosmos translated to Brahma would become the creator deity Brahman would give name to Abram.
Abram or better known as Abraham or Ibrahim would rebel against his father Teruch and his ancestors worshipping Idols.
One such Idol was Shiva in honor of whom Abrahams own sons Isaac and Ishmael had been named as IshAku and IshMahal which translated into Friend of Shiva and The Great Shiva.
North Star became the pantheon of Brahmin deities then the Star of David.
Big Bear or Dipper with small Bear or Dipper became good fortune and reverse fortune symbols of Swastika and Sauwastika.
Supernova became the Dharma wheel of life.
Shiva idol became a symbol of death with son Skanda and a child named SISU born from struggle with challenges – the endurance.
Skanda gave us Scandinavia.
Shiva would for Jews became sitting shiva or mourning a dead beloved person.
Saraiswati River became Sarai then Sarah.
Ghaggar monsoon River became Hagar.
Other deities would evolve in Bharat and manifestation of divinity became Ram and Krishna from where The Christ evolved.
Jews and Christians took Edinhu as Eden and Muslims The land of Eden in India.
The Roman Empire finally ended 1453 CE when the Muslims conquered Constantinople, but Rome itself fell already 610 CE when the Goths sacked it.
This closed the Silk Road and the search for access to India and China resulted in the colonization
of the world by western nations.
Slavery of African women had been started by Muslim rulers selling first women to harems of fellow Muslim rulers, but Portugal got early involved offering ships for transporting these slaves.
The Finnic people then known as Varangians or “Guardians of the Treasury” from trading in furs, amber and walrus tusk ivory were asked then by the Emperor of Constantinople to set up a trading post by the Ros River in present day Ukraine Kiyv a few years after Rome was sacked around 615 CE.
(varasto, vartija, varakas were the words of storage, guard, wealthy that gave them the name VARANGIANS)
They would later be awarded for helping bringing Greek Orthodox Christianity to Kiyv by becoming guardians of the Emperor. The Russian Empire was thus born in Kiyv not tiny Moscow or Novgorod or Belarus that all were part of the Kiyv empire.
Vikings are a romanticized story of Pirates laying in ambush in a bay (VIK) and only got involved much later some 1,000 years ago raping and pillaging Christian cloisters.
Truth will set you free and peace on earth.
To this day Scientist Fulvio Melia an expert on the Big Bang confirmed that there was something before the Big Bang we just don’t know what.
During our less than 20,000 years on earth as humans equipped with a brain we have sought to define the unknown with symbols, idols and deities and as far as we go we were in awe of the cosmic universe and determined our purpose to be to live for eternity in perfect harmony with this cosmic universe called by whatever name we chose to use.
The cherished happy values we Finnic traced back to being kind, speak the truth and have forbearance to our fellow humans. And Sisu gave us power to endure whatever came our way close to nature.